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Welcome to My Black Shrink


It's our first blog post. Get excited!

My Black Shrink (which will affectionately be called MBS from time to time) is a safe space for Black Men and Women. This idea was birthed after I saw the need for a place where Black Men and Women could be both unapologetically Black and unapologetically healthy without having to choose between the two. MBS strives to help eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community. Despite a huge focus around Black Mental Health (BMH) within the last decade, there are still individuals who suffer in silence because therapy was once shunned upon in our community. At MBS, we want to break down that stigma while promoting mental wellness. We can't wait for you to see what we have in store. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Find the links at the bottom of any site page.

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